Quality Assurance and Performance Evaluation Division

Commitment to comprehensive quality standards and continuous development of the university education system, achieving national accreditation, international recognition, and enhancing the educational process and community services.

The Message:

Instilling a culture of quality, evaluating performance levels, and continuously collecting data and information about quality activities in the college to enhance both the college and the university’s standing in global rankings.


  • Raising awareness and spreading a culture of quality among faculty members, staff, and students.
  • Proposing the general policy for ensuring the quality of the college and its various departments.
  • Monitoring the application of systems, standards, and various models used to evaluate the activities of college departments, as well as assessing the performance of scientific and administrative departments.
  • Strengthening and activating the role of the college in serving the community and the environment.
  • Providing technical advice, consultations, and studies in the development and implementation of quality systems.
  • Developing human resources and enhancing their competence to ensure quality in educational, research, and community service activities.
  • Promoting awareness of quality culture, accreditation, continuous development, and monitoring the development system, and making proposals to improve performance in college departments.

Official Email of the Division: